[MPlayer-users] pictures of my trip
2016-12-22 18:15:43 UTC

We've had a nice trip last summer, the pictures are really great. Just take a look at them here <http://lun.mybestfriendllc.com/8180>

Later, dream01

From: mplayer-users [mailto:mplayer-***@mplayerhq.hu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 6:15 PM
To: ***@email.it
Subject: Not funny.

Im not a doctor but does your calf feel very tight? The fact that you sit down and play computers a lot could mean that you're circulation isnt the best which in turn could lead to a blood clot which can be dangerous if not treated relatively quickly because it could travel up towards your lungs. It's probably not that but best to be on the safe side and see a doc i think.