[MPlayer-users] How to get seek to work again?
Silvio Levy
2017-09-29 08:14:36 UTC
Fellow mplayer users,

I use mplayer on Ubuntu 14.04 and have been totally happy with it both
for video and for audio.

In the course of upgrading a browser somehow dozens of packages got
upgraded, and mplayer was one of them. I'm now running

MPlayer SVN-r37923 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team

and sadly I cannot tell what I was running before, because the
executable got overwritten.

Many of my key bindings stopped working. Some I've been able to
restore (for instance I had to set the option pausing=2 to restore the
old behavior that I could seek on a paused movie without restarting it).

The problem is that seeking does not work as before. I do a lot of
audio transcription and need to go back 2 seconds. I also sometimes
need to backtrack frame by frame. Both of these were possible with
the seek command. The bindings were

, seek -0.05 0 1 # backtrack one frame
n seek -2 0 1 # backtrack a short sentence

Neither of these work now; instead they advance several seconds.
Other seek commands also don't work anymore, or work erratically:
So the key binding

b seek -5

now instead of going back 5 seconds, jumps forward some random of
seconds in an mp3 (audio) file, and jumps back 15 seconds in one .avi
file I've tried.

I hope someone can help!



## MPlayer input control file
## You are able to redefine default keyboard/joystick/mouse/LIRC bindings, or
## add new ones here.
## See DOCS/tech/slave.txt for possible commands that can be bound.
## Also see mplayer -input cmdlist for other possible options.
## The file should be placed in the $HOME/.mplayer directory.

, seek -0.05 0 1
b seek -5
n seek -2 0 1
m seek 5
RIGHT seek +15
LEFT seek -5
DOWN seek -3
UP pause
PGDWN seek 60
PGUP seek -30
M mute
# switch_audio # switch audio streams
+ audio_delay 0.100
- audio_delay -0.100
[ speed_mult 0.9091 # scale playback speed
] speed_mult 1.1
{ speed_mult 0.5
} speed_mult 2.0
BS speed_set 1.0 # reset speed to normal
q quit
#ESC quit
# ENTER pt_step 1 1 # skip to next file
p pause
. frame_step # advance one frame and pause
SPACE pause
HOME pt_up_step 1
END pt_up_step -1
pt_step 1 # skip to next file
< pt_step -1 # previous
INS alt_src_step 1
DEL alt_src_step -1
o osd
I osd_show_property_text "${filename}" # display filename in osd
z sub_delay -0.1 # subtract 100 ms delay from subs
x sub_delay +0.1 # add
9 volume -1
# / volume -1
0 volume 1
* volume 1
1 contrast -1
2 contrast 1
3 brightness -1
4 brightness 1
5 hue -1
6 hue 1
7 saturation -1
8 saturation 1
( balance -0.1 # adjust audio balance in favor of left
) balance +0.1 # right
d frame_drop
r sub_pos -1 # move subtitles up
t sub_pos +1 # down
#? sub_step +1 # immediately display next subtitle
#? sub_step -1 # previous
#? sub_scale +0.1 # increase subtitle font size
#? sub_scale -0.1 # decrease subtitle font size
f vo_fullscreen
T vo_ontop # toggle video window ontop of other windows
w panscan -0.1 # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs
e panscan +0.1 # in
s screenshot # take a png screenshot with -vf screenshot
# S will take a png screenshot of every frame

h tv_step_channel 1
l tv_step_channel -1
#n tv_step_norm
#b tv_step_chanlist

## GUI

#l gui_loadfile
#t gui_loadsubtitle
#a gui_about
#s gui_stop
#p gui_playlist
#r gui_preferences
#c gui_skinbrowser

## Joystick section
## WARNING: joystick support has to be explicitly enabled at
## compiletime with --enable-joystick

JOY_RIGHT seek 10
JOY_LEFT seek -10
JOY_UP seek 60
JOY_DOWN seek -60
JOY_BTN0 pause
JOY_BTN1 osd
JOY_BTN2 volume 1
JOY_BTN3 volume -1

## Apple Remote section

AR_PLAY pause
AR_NEXT seek 30
AR_NEXT_HOLD seek 120
AR_PREV seek -10
AR_PREV_HOLD seek -120
AR_VUP volume 1
AR_VDOWN volume -1

## OSD Menu movement keys
## If you are using only the keyboard it is enough to define one command (like
## "menu up"), because then that single key will display the menu, which can
## then be navigated with the cursor keys and ENTER.
## LIRC users should bind each "menu" command to a button on their remote.
## The set_menu command directly displays the (sub)menu specified as
## its argument. Usage should be self-explanatory (although not likely
## to be needed), after reading input.conf.

#MOUSE_BTN0 menu up
#y menu down
#y menu ok
#y menu cancel
#y menu hide
#y set_menu general_pref

## Requires dvdnav://

KP8 dvdnav 1 # DVDNav UP
KP2 dvdnav 2 # DVDNav DOWN
KP4 dvdnav 3 # DVDNav LEFT
KP6 dvdnav 4 # DVDNav RIGHT
KP5 dvdnav 5 # DVDNav MENU
KP_ENTER dvdnav 6 # DVDNav SELECT (ok)
KP7 dvdnav 7 # DVDNav PREVIOUS menu (in the order chapter->title->root)

#? seek_chapter -1 # skip to previous dvd chapter
#? seek_chapter +1 # next
