[MPlayer-users] Cannot mplayer shuffle tracks of a flac file in a playlist?
Denis Aristov
2016-11-22 07:31:39 UTC

Cannot mplayer differ between different tracks in a flac file?

My playlist (playlist.m3u) contains mp3, wav and flac files. I've created it in Clementine and
exported then.

When I run:
$mplayer -shuffle -playlist playlist.m3u

mp3, wav files are shuffled well. But as soon as it chooses a track in a flac file the whole
flac file will be played.

I've looked into the playlist file and all the tracks in the flac files are listed (duration and
so on).

Denis Aristov
Tel.: +7 985 330 90 40
E-mail: ***@bk.ru[1]
Skype: aristov.d.i.[2]
Website: http://denis-aristov.ucoz.com[3]

[1] mailto:***@bk.ru
[2] skype:aristov.d.i.?call
[3] http://denis-aristov.ucoz.com/ru/home.html
