[MPlayer-users] Question on mplayer config for media file streaming
steve fiedler
2015-11-20 20:08:53 UTC

I am running mplayer 1.0 and trying to stream video from a local media server. I get the video to play as I want from Firefox. The issue is every time I start a video, it downloads the video and runs it locally. Everytime I restart the video, I get an additional copy of the video file on the box. These video files are getting put into /tmp as videofile.mp4, videofile-1.mp4, etc.

Not sure why the player wont just stream the video from the source, but I will settle for changing the dir from /tmp to something I can clean out daily with a cron job.

Can someone tell me where I can change this config and select a different folder besides tmp to download the mp4 files to? I looked in the mplayer.conf files and saw nothing there that looked like what I should change.

I am running mplayer 1 on SuSE 11.3. I have to use this version since I cannot be changing lib files on these boxes without doing some serious regression testing.

