[MPlayer-users] How to use -slave option with bash and terminal (python)
Peter Irbizon
2016-06-02 17:11:22 UTC
Hello, I have this bash_script.sh
res=$(mkfifo /home/user/mplayer-control)
res=$(mplayer -slave -input file=/home/user/mplayer-control movie.mp4)

When I run it, mplayer starts. But I am not able to pause it from another
terminal with:
echo "pause" > /home/user/mplayer-control

What am I doing wrong?
Peter White
2016-06-02 22:00:26 UTC
Post by Peter Irbizon
Hello, I have this bash_script.sh
res=$(mkfifo /home/user/mplayer-control)
res=$(mplayer -slave -input file=/home/user/mplayer-control movie.mp4)
Works for me. More info would be needed to see what was going wrong.
The terminal output would be a good start. Also, I don't see the purpose
of those res=$() constructs. They are not te culprit but seem rather
pointless. Unless that is not the whole script. If so, provide the full
version, please.
Peter Irbizon
2016-06-03 12:07:03 UTC
Oh sorry, my bad. Now it works ok. (no idea why it didn't work, but now it
Post by Peter White
Post by Peter Irbizon
Hello, I have this bash_script.sh
res=$(mkfifo /home/user/mplayer-control)
res=$(mplayer -slave -input file=/home/user/mplayer-control movie.mp4)
Works for me. More info would be needed to see what was going wrong.
The terminal output would be a good start. Also, I don't see the purpose
of those res=$() constructs. They are not te culprit but seem rather
pointless. Unless that is not the whole script. If so, provide the full
version, please.
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