[MPlayer-users] play audio in window (gui)
Thomas Keller
2016-06-13 07:43:32 UTC
when I open audio file from commandline, such as

mplayer my_audio.mp3

mplayer plays the audio inside the commandline.

How can I tell it to open a window, same as when playing video file ?

I don't care what the window background would be, it can be all black.
But I need individual window for each audio file, so that I can switch
between them.
Ingo Brückl
2016-06-13 08:20:12 UTC
Post by Thomas Keller
when I open audio file from commandline, such as
mplayer my_audio.mp3
mplayer plays the audio inside the commandline.
How can I tell it to open a window, same as when playing video file ?
Maybe you want to give MPlayer's GUI (gmplayer) a shot? You will have a main
window for each file being played separately.

Thomas Keller
2016-06-13 08:50:34 UTC
Post by Ingo Brückl
Post by Thomas Keller
when I open audio file from commandline, such as
mplayer my_audio.mp3
mplayer plays the audio inside the commandline.
How can I tell it to open a window, same as when playing video file ?
Maybe you want to give MPlayer's GUI (gmplayer) a shot? You will have a main
window for each file being played separately.
there is no gmplayer package in Debian.

And besides, do I really need to install extra package for this?

Mplayer works OK for playing videos already. Can't I tell it to treat
audios the same ?
Amallric Van Duyke
2016-06-13 08:54:45 UTC
Just open several terminals and play your audio files from them. You do
need an extra package if you want to use a command-line media player
(mplayer) as if it was a GUI media player.
Post by Thomas Keller
Post by Ingo Brückl
Post by Thomas Keller
when I open audio file from commandline, such as
mplayer my_audio.mp3
mplayer plays the audio inside the commandline.
How can I tell it to open a window, same as when playing video file ?
Maybe you want to give MPlayer's GUI (gmplayer) a shot? You will have a
Post by Ingo Brückl
window for each file being played separately.
there is no gmplayer package in Debian.
And besides, do I really need to install extra package for this?
Mplayer works OK for playing videos already. Can't I tell it to treat
audios the same ?
MPlayer-users mailing list
"Et moi je mange une pomme et regarde par la fenêtre. "
Thomas Keller
2016-06-13 09:37:35 UTC
Post by Amallric Van Duyke
Just open several terminals and play your audio files from them. You do
need an extra package if you want to use a command-line media player
(mplayer) as if it was a GUI media player.
the problem I am having is, when I set mplayer as the default audio
player in Gpodder, it plays the audio "in background" (ie as a daemon).
There is no window, and I cannot control the audio playing.

Mplayer has so many configuration parameters. Are you sure there si no
option to tell it to treat audio as if it was video (and open window for
it) ?
Amallric Van Duyke
2016-06-13 10:00:41 UTC
Just configure Gpodder so that it opens a terminal window with mplayer in
it, is that a problem?

If you absolutely need to open a video window for playing a file that has
no video, your best bet is probably to actually play some generic video
file (or even a static picture) and append your audio file as an external
audio track, but I don't think you'll be able to do that in Gpodder unless
you write a script.
Post by Thomas Keller
Post by Amallric Van Duyke
Just open several terminals and play your audio files from them. You do
need an extra package if you want to use a command-line media player
(mplayer) as if it was a GUI media player.
the problem I am having is, when I set mplayer as the default audio
player in Gpodder, it plays the audio "in background" (ie as a daemon).
There is no window, and I cannot control the audio playing.
Mplayer has so many configuration parameters. Are you sure there si no
option to tell it to treat audio as if it was video (and open window for
it) ?
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"Et moi je mange une pomme et regarde par la fenêtre. "