[MPlayer-users] GUI default volume
David Shochat
2015-10-24 00:50:15 UTC
I recently rebuilt mplayer (with gui) from version (version 1.2 on an
Ubuntu 15.10 system, using the skin "standard", version 1.11). I'm now
noticing that when I start by using the gmplayer command, the volume starts
out at zero. I can increase the volume during playback using the GUI volume
wheel or the keyboard ('*') but the next time I start it we're back to
zero. What can I do so that I'll have a nonzero default volume using the
GUI? When I use mplayer (no gui) it seems to remember the volume I set.
Ingo Brückl
2015-10-24 17:17:57 UTC
I'm now noticing that when I start by using the gmplayer command, the
volume starts out at zero. [...] What can I do so that I'll have a nonzero
default volume using the GUI? When I use mplayer (no gui) it seems to
remember the volume I set.
Change the skin's default volume (file 'skin') from 0 to the value you want:

rpotmeter = NULL, 0, 0, volume, 51, 10, 35, 29, 35, 0, 311, 17, 40, 40, evSetVolume
default volume
David Shochat
2015-10-24 22:09:31 UTC
Post by Ingo Brückl
​> ​
​> ​
rpotmeter = NULL, 0, 0, volume, 51, 10, 35, 29, 35, 0, 311, 17, 40, 40, evSetVolume
​> ​
​> ​
default volume

Thanks, but it is already set to 51.​

​In fact that entire line is exactly as you indicated.
-- David​
Andy Furniss
2015-10-24 23:52:29 UTC
​> ​ Change the skin's default volume (file 'skin') from 0 to the
value you want: ​>​
​> ​ rpotmeter = NULL, 0, 0, volume, 51, 10, 35, 29, 35, 0, 311,
17, 40, 40, evSetVolume ​> ​ ^ ​> ​ default volume
​ Thanks, but it is already set to 51.​
​In fact that entire line is exactly as you indicated.
Seems your font messed up the alignment on Ingos mail.

The 0 you need to change is the one between 35 and 311.
David Shochat
2015-10-25 00:50:14 UTC
Post by Andy Furniss
Seems your font messed up the alignment on Ingos mail.
The 0 you need to change is the one between 35 and 311.
Bingo! I copied his original text into emacs (fixed-width font) and saw
how his response was supposed to look: exactly as you say. I changed
that 0 to 50 and achieved the desired result. Thank you. One question:
Where is this documented?
-- David
Ingo Brückl
2015-10-25 15:48:27 UTC
One question: Where is this documented?

In particular:


