[MPlayer-users] Playback resumes when switching to/from fullscreen
2016-07-17 18:29:57 UTC
Sorry if the following question has already been answered or
discussed somewhere but I have not been able to find relevant
information either in the documentation or on the web.

Every time I switch to/from fullscreen mode by pressing "F" when
playback is paused, MPlayer changes the mode accordingly but on
top of that it also resumes playback. Why? How do I stop this?



OS: Lubuntu 14.04 LTS x86
MPlayer: v.1.1-4.8 (i.e., the latest version available from the
respective OS repository)
Peter White
2016-07-17 23:10:00 UTC
Post by nvx
Sorry if the following question has already been answered or
discussed somewhere but I have not been able to find relevant
information either in the documentation or on the web.
Well, it is in the documentation, namely the man page. :)
Post by nvx
Every time I switch to/from fullscreen mode by pressing "F" when
playback is paused, MPlayer changes the mode accordingly but on
top of that it also resumes playback. Why? How do I stop this?
Try -pausing 2 or 4. 4 is most likely what you want but still
experimental so your mileage may vary. But then, I am currently not
using the latest version. Maybe it has become stable by now.

2016-07-18 05:00:21 UTC
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
Sorry if the following question has already been answered or
discussed somewhere but I have not been able to find relevant
information either in the documentation or on the web.
Well, it is in the documentation, namely the man page. :)
Thank you, I must have been blind...
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
Every time I switch to/from fullscreen mode by pressing "F" when
playback is paused, MPlayer changes the mode accordingly but on
top of that it also resumes playback. Why? How do I stop this?
Try -pausing 2 or 4. 4 is most likely what you want but still
experimental so your mileage may vary. But then, I am currently not
using the latest version. Maybe it has become stable by now.
It is strange but when I try to run "mplayer -pausing 2 FILE" then the
player complains:

Unknown option on the command line: -pausing
Error parsing option on the command line: -pausing

The man page suggests that more information can be found in docs
relevant to the slave mode so I also tried to enable it (via "-slave")
albeit with no luck.

Is it possible that this option not available in v.1.1-4.8?

Peter White
2016-07-18 07:38:23 UTC
Post by nvx
Post by nvx
Every time I switch to/from fullscreen mode by pressing "F" when
playback is paused, MPlayer changes the mode accordingly but on
top of that it also resumes playback. Why? How do I stop this?
Try -pausing 2 or 4...
It is strange but when I try to run "mplayer -pausing 2 FILE" then the
Unknown option on the command line: -pausing
Error parsing option on the command line: -pausing
It seem your version is too old.
Post by nvx
The man page suggests that more information can be found in docs
relevant to the slave mode so I also tried to enable it (via "-slave")
albeit with no luck.
Now, that's funny. Even though the player does not support the option
it is documented in the man page? FWIW, "-slave" is no precondition for
Post by nvx
Is it possible that this option not available in v.1.1-4.8?
Quite possibly so. Maybe you should compile yourself.
2016-07-18 08:32:25 UTC
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
It is strange but when I try to run "mplayer -pausing 2 FILE" then
Unknown option on the command line: -pausing
Error parsing option on the command line: -pausing
It seem your version is too old.
Okay, then I will have to compile it myself or upgrade to 16.04 LTS.
Good to know.
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
The man page suggests that more information can be found in docs
relevant to the slave mode so I also tried to enable it (via
"-slave") albeit with no luck.
Now, that's funny. Even though the player does not support the option
it is documented in the man page? FWIW, "-slave" is no precondition
for "-pausing".
See for yourself: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.txt
The respective portion reads:

-pausing <0-3> (MPlayer only)
Specifies the default pausing behaviour of
commands, i.e. whether MPlayer will continue playback or
stay paused after the command has finished. See
DOCS/tech/slave.txt for further details.
Erik Auerswald
2016-07-18 10:56:47 UTC
Post by nvx
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
It is strange but when I try to run "mplayer -pausing 2 FILE" then
Unknown option on the command line: -pausing
Error parsing option on the command line: -pausing
It seem your version is too old.
Okay, then I will have to compile it myself or upgrade to 16.04 LTS.
Good to know.
Post by Peter White
Post by nvx
The man page suggests that more information can be found in docs
relevant to the slave mode so I also tried to enable it (via
"-slave") albeit with no luck.
Now, that's funny. Even though the player does not support the option
it is documented in the man page? FWIW, "-slave" is no precondition
for "-pausing".
See for yourself: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.txt
That is a current man page, documenting the current code. You are using an
older MPlayer version, presumably via distribution. The man page installed
on your system should not mention this option.

The MPlayer version available in Ubuntu 14.04 does not support the -pausing
option, and the installed man page does not know about this option either.

Best regards,
Always use the right tool for the job.
-- Rob Pike
2016-07-18 12:35:56 UTC
Post by Erik Auerswald
Post by nvx
See for yourself: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.txt
That is a current man page, documenting the current code. You are
using an older MPlayer version, presumably via distribution. The man
page installed on your system should not mention this option.
The MPlayer version available in Ubuntu 14.04 does not support the
-pausing option, and the installed man page does not know about this
option either.
Yes, it occurred to me too but at that point it was too late. ;) The
reason I resorted to browsing the online man page was that it can be
searched much more easily than what one gets in a terminal window.

Thanks again for help, both of you. I will compile the current version
as soon as I have time to do so.

Peter White
2016-07-18 15:52:50 UTC
Post by nvx
reason I resorted to browsing the online man page was that it can be
searched much more easily than what one gets in a terminal window.
Well, then you really should have a look at the help for your man page
browser. ;) That is most like 'less', so pressing '/' when viewing a
man page gives you a search prompt. 'h' should give you a comprehensive
help listing.

Just FYI. ;)

2016-07-21 14:19:12 UTC
Post by nvx
reason I resorted to browsing the online man page was that it can be
searched much more easily than what one gets in a terminal window.
With the man page open, press / and type your search term.

man man :-)
