[MPlayer-users] help with mplayer screenshot functionality
Vera L. te Velde
2015-11-19 04:31:07 UTC

I am trying to use mplayer to scroll through video segments frame by frame
and extract particular (in focus) frames. Unfortunately, this isn't working
as desired because using -vf screenshot saves the *next* frame, not the
frame that the video is currently paused on. Since I also can't step
backwards by a single frame after finding a focused frame that I want to
save, I've had to resort to saving huge numbers of frames and deleting most
of them by hand.

I found a bug report (https://trac.mplayerhq.hu/ticket/1604) about the
screenshot behavior marked "will not fix" due to it being a known
limitation of vf_screenshot. I'm sure there is a good technical reason for
it, but this seems to be *clearly not* the desired behavior. I suspect most
people don't even realize that the current frame isn't saved, but in low
light or other conditions where focused frames are the exception, it is

Does anyone have any suggestions or workarounds that might help me
accomplish this extraction of particular focused frames as I identify them?
I can't use the operating systems print screen functionality because the
video isn't actually played back at full 4K resolution on a normal monitor.
Does anyone know another player that will extract the current paused frame
and which allows stepping forwards frame by frame?

2015-11-19 19:11:42 UTC
On Thu, 19 Nov 2015 14:31:07 +1000
Post by Vera L. te Velde
Does anyone know another player that will extract
the current paused frame and which allows stepping forwards frame by
I know that avidemux allows stepping forward and back in video it is
editing. I'm not sure about the screen shot though. If nothing else
you can edit out all the fuzzy frames, and then use mplayer with the S
option to capture the whole video as screenshots. That might be more
work than your current technique, though avidemux has markers, so you
could mark the start and end of the fuzz, and delete it all at once.

I thought that the s option captured the frame on the screen. I
haven't noticed the effect you are talking about, at least. When I
take a screenshot with command s in mplayer, it seems to be the same as
the video frame I was looking at.
Peter White
2015-11-24 19:13:55 UTC
Post by Vera L. te Velde
Does anyone know another player that will extract the current paused frame
and which allows stepping forwards frame by frame?
There is a fork of MPlayer2 called mpv (https://mpv.io/). I don't know
if it saves the current frame as screenshot or the next but it does
support stepping backwards frame by frame by pressing ",".

