[MPlayer-users] damaged audio track
Thomas Keller
2016-05-05 19:07:36 UTC

I have a video recording of a talk, and the audio track is "damaged". By
that I mean it is hissing sometimes, as if the microphone was too close
to the speaker, or as if the frequencies were too high. I am not sure
what the correct technical description is.

The video can be seen on Youtube:

Is there any way in mplayer to fix this audio problem when playing ?

2016-05-05 20:57:27 UTC
On Thu, 05 May 2016 21:07:36 +0200
Post by Thomas Keller
I have a video recording of a talk, and the audio track is "damaged".
By that I mean it is hissing sometimes, as if the microphone was too
close to the speaker, or as if the frequencies were too high. I am
not sure what the correct technical description is.
Is there any way in mplayer to fix this audio problem when playing ?
When I sample that talk on youtube, I only hear occasional clipping.
Mostly, the audio is very good.

I don't know about doing it in mplayer, but you could strip the audio
with ffmpeg (or mplayer -dumpaudio), use audacity to lower the volume
(amplify adjust or normalize, maybe some compression to make it more
uniform), and then recombine the video and audio with ffmpeg.
