[MPlayer-users] Linker error with current git version of ffmpeg in mplayer (The Wanderer)
George R Goffe
2018-10-09 21:37:08 UTC

Thanks for your post.

I'm quite a novice when it comes to git. Can you give more instructions as to how to get the patch applied please?



p.s., I have always subscribed to the quote of George Bernard Shaw.

Message: 1

Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 07:01:16 -0400

From: The Wanderer <***@fastmail.fm>

To: mplayer-***@mplayerhq.hu

Subject: Re: [MPlayer-users] Linker error with current git version of

ffmpeg in mplayer

Message-ID: <***@fastmail.fm>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I was testing an up to date (against development source) newly built
gcc (experimental) version by compiling mplayer and the link step
failed (see below). I tried the "out of the box" Fedora 30 x86_64
(rawhide) version of gcc (gcc-8.2.1-3.fc30.x86_64) and the link
failed as well.
Has anyone seen this problem? Am I doing something wrong perhaps?
Could it be mplayer?
Sylvain Bertrand posted a "fix build with recent ffmpeg" patch on

mplayer-dev-eng, just yesterday. This is almost certainly the issue

which that patch is intended to fix.

It can take anywhere from a few hours to several days before someone

with commit access applies the patch, but in the meantime, it shouldn't

be hard to apply it locally yourself. (Although I do recommend applying

it against a copy of the source tree, rather than taking the risk of

forgetting to unapply it before updating after the patch gets applied

The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one

persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all

progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
2018-10-10 09:40:00 UTC
Post by George R Goffe
I'm quite a novice when it comes to git. Can you give more instructions as to
how to get the patch applied please?
Save the attachment of this email as configure.patch in mplayer source code

With a terminal, cd in mplayer source code directory, and there run the
patch -i configure.patch

(you should read "man patch")